Quickly discover internal link opportunities on your website with our free tool!




Our tool is a free and easy-to-use tool that can help you quickly find opportunities to create internal links on your website. Simply enter your website and a keyword, and our tool will immediately generate a list of all the instances where that keyword appears on your site. 

With this information, you can easily turn those keywords into internal links pointing to relevant pages on your site, saving you time and effort compared to manually searching for internal link opportunities on your website.

Using internal links will help improve the organization and structure of your website, as well as distribute link equity and improve the search engine rankings of your pages. It’s a simple and effective way to enhance your website’s SEO strategy and provide a better experience for your users. Try our internal link tool today and see the benefits for yourself!

Internal links are links on a website that point to other pages within the same website. They allow users to navigate between different pages on the site and can help improve the site’s navigation and structure. Internal linking can also be used to distribute link equity, which is the value that search engines assign to links, across a website. This can help improve the search engine rankings of the pages on the site.

Internal links are links on a website that point to other pages within the same website. External links, on the other hand, are links on a website that point to pages on a different website. 

Internal links are important for SEO because they help improve a website’s structure and organization, making it easier for search engines to understand and index the site’s content. 

Internal links can also be used to distribute link equity, which is the value that search engines assign to links, across a website. 

This can help improve the search engine rankings of the pages on the site. Additionally, using descriptive and relevant keywords as the anchor text of internal links can help search engines understand how relevant the linked-to page is to the keyword.

  • Improved navigation: Internal links can help users easily find and access different pages on a website, improving their overall experience on the site.
  • Enhanced website structure: By linking related pages together, internal links can help organize a website and make it easier for search engines to understand and index the site’s content.
  • Increased engagement: By linking to other relevant pages on your website, internal links can encourage users to stay on the site for longer and explore more of its content.
  • Distributed link equity: Internal links can be used to distribute the value of incoming links across a website, helping to improve the search engine rankings of all the pages on the site.
  • More opportunities for keyword targeting: Internal links can provide additional opportunities to use keywords in anchor text, which can help improve the search engine rankings of the linked-to pages.

Overall, internal linking can be an effective way to improve the organization, navigation, and search engine rankings of a website.