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About Our Sponsored Post Prospecting Tool

Our Sponsored Post prospecting tool is designed to quickly and easily identify relevant websites and blogs that accept sponsored content.

Manually researching websites and blogs that accept sponsored posts is a time-consuming and skill-intensive process. You may need to spend hours trying to identify potential opportunities, and then carefully evaluate each one to determine if it is a good fit. 

But, thanks to our tool, you will have a list of relevant sponsored post opportunities at your fingertips within no time!

What are Sponsored Posts?

Sponsored posts are articles or posts that are written by someone other than the regular authors or contributors of a website or blog, and are paid for by a third party. 

Sponsored posts are typically written to promote a product, service, or brand, and are published on a website or blog that is relevant to the topic of the sponsored post. 

For example, a company that sells skincare products might pay a popular beauty blogger to write a sponsored post about the benefits of their products and publish it on the blogger’s website. Sponsored posts are a form of paid advertising, and are often labeled as such to disclose the sponsored nature of the content.

Sponsored Posts can help with branding and reaching new audiences, but they are unfortunately not helpful for SEO or link building. 

This is because Google’s guidelines require that you either ‘no-follow’ or add a UGC tag to links that are in sponsored content. These tags are added to the link’s HTML code and prevent the link from passing on any link juice or authority to the linked website and therefore provide no SEO value.

Google’s algorithms are designed to identify and discount paid links, so simply publishing a sponsored post with a no-follow link to your site is unlikely to significantly improve your SEO.

What are the Benefits of Sponsored Posts?

Sponsored posts provide an opportunity for a company or individual to promote their brand to a relevant and engaged audience. By publishing sponsored content on a website or blog that is relevant to your product, service, or message, you will increase awareness of your brand and connect with potential customers or supporters.

This can be particularly useful if you are trying to reach a specific market or demographic, as sponsored posts can connect you with people who are most likely to be interested in your company.

In general, the legal requirements for disclosing sponsored content depend on the country or jurisdiction in which the content will be published. In the United States, for example, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has specific guidelines for disclosing sponsored content, which states that any content that is sponsored or endorsed by a brand must be clearly disclosed to readers.

This means that if a blogger or influencer is paid by a brand to promote a product or service, they must disclose that fact to their readers. This can be done through a disclosure statement or by using a hashtag such as #ad or #sponsored.